California Prelicensing Educational and Examination Objectives

The following Prelicensing Educational and Examination Objectives were formatted to meet the Americans for Disability Act requirements (e.g. removed underlining and bolding, no italics, no CAPS). The topic changes that were made to the educational objectives can be found in the Archived Prelicensing Educational Objectives link noted below.

Word Format

Spanish Language Examinations

Section 1677(b) of the California Insurance Code requires that on and after January 1, 2018 four of the department's licensing exams must be provided in the Spanish language. Specifically, the four exams are: life-only, life/accident and health, life-limited to the payment of funeral and burial expenses and accident and health.

To assist education providers to prepare for when the Spanish language exams will be available, we are providing the educational objectives for the four exams well in advance of January 1, 2018. Below are the links to the Spanish language versions of these educational objectives:

Archived Prelicensing Educational Objectives For your convenience, this page includes links for the archived educational objectives which show the strikethroughs for the information that was removed from the previous version of the objectives and also underlines the added text. In addition, the license examinations will also be updated to reflect these changes. The education providers' currently approved courses will need to be revised to comply with the objectives noted above. Those revisions will be due at the time the course is renewed.